Mythos & Marginalia

2015 – 2025: a decade of days

weights and measures

Assign a weight to each issue you face, every problem you encounter and objectionable instance you endure in your day-to-day existence.

What is the unit of measurement you will choose for the negative vibes, uncaring attitudes, or ignorant comments you experience from others?

Size and substance are not immeasurable.

Mass and significance vary by classification, but practicality dictates the terms you use to identify volume: a mouthful of vitriol, handful of hatred, several ounces of misfortune, a gram or two of naïveté, dash of criticism, dollop of guilt, or pound of misdirected anger.

How many bags will you fill with harsh emotions, unsettled grievances, and undeserved opinions?

It is our nature to compartmentalize.

Where does it fit?

What is the weight on your shoulders?

Realize, before you step further into the day, that this is not yours to carry.

© 2023 j.g. lewis

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