Mythos & Marginalia

2015 – 2025: a decade of days

Mondays are just young Fridays

Commencement of an idea: a blank canvas.
    What you think and what you believe, at times, are on non-collinear planes.
    Separate thoughts.
    The concept is not clear, but there is a distinct vision. Time is required to sort out the polarities.
    I know I need colour, right now, to breakout of the homogeneous pattern of darkness I have settled into; a forced change might best state the obvious.
    An interruption at least, a new perspective at best. Figurative or metaphorical, abstract thought equals diversion.
    Random colours introduced, aware of the concept, but more or less tentative. Time is required, further consideration, to see what will dominate because, proportions aside, each colour is equal.
    The divergent nature of complimentary contrasts is not colorfast.
    My mood or mindset, over time, will sort out what goes where. Spontaneity has its place but has yet to show itself.
    It is a process as much as it is progress.
    No concern yet with accomplishment because, some days, simply picking up the paintbrush is as much an achievement as anything.
    Thinking is believing.

07/31/2023                                                                                                          j.g.l.

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