Month: August 2023
Daylight slipping through the cracks
above the curtains, a reminder of
what kind of day it will be
if you choose to let it in.
The comfort of the night, once
concealed in total darkness, now
only a recent memory.
Your circadian rhythm is already
functioning on its own.
It’s only natural. It is what it is,
any day but specifically today.
Today matters.
Dreams now safely tucked away,
what will you do with the day?
08/14/2023 j.g.l.
Posted on August 13, 2023 by j.g.lewisLeave a commentAren’t we all curious?
We wake, we wonder…we wander.
We never know what may be interesting or capture our imagination until it does, but shouldn’t we all be open to looking (or feeling) a little deeper?
Breathe in what surrounds you, look around (often) throughout the day. What will capture your imagination?
Your current plane of focus may not be what it was, but if you can see past what may have been an obstacle, you will find something else in your depth of field.
Look beyond what is there.
As the day moves at its own pace, attend to your interests on your own time. Sunrise to sunset, take advantage of the unexplored opportunities before you.
Be grateful.
Whether you search in the midday shadows or look up at the final few clouds dissipating into common darkness, there must be something.
Be grateful not in finding it, but in looking for it.
08/13/2023 j.g.l.
Posted on August 12, 2023 by j.g.lewisLeave a commentWe all forget, sometimes,
to care for the one person
who shows up day after day.
In all the confusion we
overlook what matters.
All too often we get so
caught up in the actions and
emotions of those around us,
that we neglect to check in
with our self.
Try harder today to please
yourself. You deserve better
than what you have been
allowing. Be kind. You matter.
© 2018 j.g. lewis