My therapist reminded me, yesterday, of a phrase she had used before and one I had heard a long time ago.
They were wonderful words that I had forgotten, somehow, caught up in all I have been doing, or in things I have been trying to understand or attempting to accomplish.
It is a simple phrase I need to remember more often: We are human beings, not human doings.
Our goal, above all else, should be to simply be without thinking, or overburdening ourselves with all we are trying to be . . . even all we are trying to understand.
Instead, we often get caught up in all we are doing, and most of us try to do so much or are involved in too much.
It becomes too much.
We are all human.
I was reminded later in the day of something I had written to myself a long while back. It is something I need to remind myself of more often: You are only human; so is everybody else.
10/17/2023 j.g.l.