Admitting that it is Monday is actually confessing that your weekend has come to an end.
I really don’t mind Mondays; if fact most weeks I like that fact that we can start all over again. Today, a little less so.
I’m not quite ready to snuff this break out.
To say the past weekend was enjoyable is not enough. How else can you describe a few days in Montreal?
Perhaps très magnifique? It seemed like more.
A quiet boutique hotel, galleries galore, art is everywhere.
Montreal is a very walkable city, and walk we did. Everywhere.
We witnessed the eras of architecture; historical places of prominence, and we walked through neighbourhoods and felt the communities.
I need not mention the food was amazing. Every bite.
It was with my deep dark coffee at breakfast, and another croissant, that I could feel the weekend running out. When I dropped a handful of postcards to loved ones into the Canada Post box with the Leonard Cohen illustration on the side (how Quebecois can you get?) on the way to catch my train home that I realized my weekend was, in fact done.
Now, today is the first day leading to next weekend’s adventures.
05/27/2024 j.g.l.
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