Mythos & Marginalia

life notes; flaws and all

j.g. lewis

original content and images ©j.g. lewis

a daily breath...

A thought du jour, my daily breath includes collected and conceived observations, questions of life, fortune cookie philosophies, reminders, messages of peace and simplicity, unsolicited advice, inspirations, quotes and words that got me thinking. They may get you thinking too . . .

I'm like a pencil;
sometimes sharp,
most days
other times
dull or
Still I write.

j.g. lewis
is a writer/photographer in Toronto.

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another phase, another topic
Posted on May 25, 2024 by j.g.lewisLeave a comment

   Full moon of the other night;

last night or

                   the one before,

   almost full tonight.

   Little differences day by day,

incremental changes

         shift our way.

   When suddenly the perfect sphere

   suffers a dent, or a bite.

         Another phase for which

   they do not name,

a Crescent Moon will often change

         until nothing is there, save

a New Moon, which you don’t see


       but you will see it soon.

         We mark our days

   by the light of the moon,

which, realistically, generates none,

relying instead on far-reaching Sun.

     Another topic any way,

         one to be explored

               by the light of day. Today.

©2018 j.g. lewis

the days ahead
Posted on May 24, 2024 by j.g.lewisLeave a comment

Pack lightly. 

Carry with you only what is required.

Leave space for memories, or souvenirs, of the days ahead.

Enthusiasm permits you to turn a planned trip into a true adventure.

What you will see is nothing compared to what you will feel.

Don’t forget your camera.

05/24/2024                                                                                    j.g.l.

Posted on May 23, 2024 by j.g.lewisLeave a comment