Mythos & Marginalia

2015 – 2025: a decade of days

a beautiful sight

I wasn’t sleeping soundly the other night; I’ll blame it on the full moon.

   I’ve got this thing for Luna — and have for as long as I remember — so knowing she was outside my window in her finest state, somewhere, gave me reason enough to go looking.

   This month it is a Blue Supermoon — you might have noticed the increased attention in the news reports — its elliptical orbit bringing the celestial delight closer to earth than it has been for a while.

   The day before I caught a glimpse of her hugging the CN tower on my way to my early morning coffee ritual a couple of blocks from home. I took out my iPhone and captured an acceptable image, but I’m still the type who considers my real camera the best option.

   Very early yesterday morning, armed with my camera and longer lens, I was graced with an opportunity almost as soon as I stepped onto the sidewalk outside my condo. In all its brilliance, the lovely moon was shining out above the lofts across the street. I captured an image but wanted more, so I continued to wander through the streets of downtown Toronto looking for the best photograph I could get.

   It was not an easy task. Given the landscape of the inner city with its proliferation of cranes, condominiums and office towers, my view of the sky is often blocked (night or day).

   It wasn’t until I arrived at St. James Park that I glanced up through the trees and found my subject towering over the steeple of St. James Cathedral.

   A beautiful sight.

   I’ve taken photographs of full moons at various locations on this planet. At times the resulting pictures are nothing more than a sphere of light, occasionally tangled up in the clouds. This time the moon, and its location, was as clear as the night.

   What I appreciate most about this recent photograph is that it localizes my view. It is only a few blocks from where I now call home, but I will be moving away from this city sometime soon. In this photograph I know where I am, at that moment, and I will remember for years to come. That, to me, is the essence of a good photograph. I am satisfied with my results.

08/22/2024                                                                                                                j.g.l.

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