Mythos & Marginalia

2015 – 2025: a decade of days

personal perspective

It is not knowledge or memory, from what I remember. 


Because I have more to learn and less to forget, I cannot consider myself wise or even clever. 


How dare I flatter myself. 


I simply cannot know as much as the next person, certainly when it comes to personal perspective.


My imperfect insight wanes when it is most required. This diminished capacity of even my most brilliant thoughts cannot even serve as a reminder; how forgetful of me. 


How can I say I own a lifetime of experience while I am still living and have so much more to endure. 


I believe, and I say this with as much reservation as anticipation, there is so much more to my presence than even I can imagine. 


It is as humbling as it is haunting, because who really knows what another day may bring. 


One never learns things that were as important as yesterday.


08/02/2024                                                                                                  j.g.l.

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