Hidden talents? Perhaps. Maybe you simply have not taken the time to reach deep into your creative self?
There is something there, we all have the capabilities to express ourselves beyond the day-to-day ways that are common to our being. It might not be obvious but is well worth exploring.
We all have something we can do to brighten our outlook or create a greater expression of our self. It might be painting, or dance, or music, or prose. If you don’t try, you will never know.
You will be surprised, if you take a chance.
It is art, and it is available.
Today, why not see what you can do?
I recently watched an inspiring documentary, Not Not Jazz, surrounding the creative process of Medeski, Martin & Wood as they recorded new album material.
The powerful three-piece American ensemble have long been favorites of mine, and the film delved into the improvisational philosophies of the three individual musicians and how the totality of their talents results in one amazing style and sound.
Did I mention inspiring?
09/29/2024 j.g.l.