It has been such a busy week.
You still have so much to do. The tasks you meant to do Tuesday remain incomplete.
It’s Friday.
You didn’t even get around to what you meant to accomplish yesterday, and it weighs heavily on your psyche. Today’s deadlines and expectations will surely take a toll.
It is more than unbearable pressure. All those appointments only led to disappointment. Your desk is a mess and the back-to-back demands of the day only complicate matters. All those unarticulated strategies and unnecessary activities result only in overwhelming anxieties.
You feel the work week. Your resolve is even weaker in this struggle to maintain some sort of work/life imbalance.
Stop. Breathe.
Just for a moment, right now, stop everything you are doing. Put it all aside for a minute or two and think about what is important to you.
Then, remind yourself not to let everything else get in its way.
It is that important.
09/20/2024 j.g.l.