The next chance depends upon your last reason, whatever that was.
We all have a lot of reasons, claims, explanations or affirmations. Excuses are different, both with chances and the latest reasoning. No revelation there; haven’t you known for some time? You have no excuse. You’ve simply waited for something better to take place, or come along, or happen on its own.
Look at you. Still waiting.
What else would you do?
Is hope that much different than chance?
Not in my experience.
Now, I’m not sure of my fitness to offer sound or superior advice, but others — those who seem too frightened to dream — genuinely embrace this dire expectation that we shall all be lulled into complacency.
Sounds like absolute mediocrity to me.
For no other reason than that, I’ll take my chances.
09/24/2024 j.g.l.
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