Mythos & Marginalia

life notes between the lines and along the edges

October 2024

  • who would know

    Dissemination of information

    fast and furious. Daily, hourly,

    minute by minute, it accounts

    for our perception, rightly or


       Who would know the truth?

       Who should know the truth?

       Ask me.

       If I am not a liar, then I am 

    not a man.

       How will I know questions

    from the answers? 

       It is not multiple choice, but

    there are many versions of

    what you need to know.

       If only you would ask.


    10/31/2024                                                                                                  j.g.l.

  • Mondays are just young Fridays

    What is it now that has you questioning the why and how?

       We can, and we should, question our thoughts or plans, even our direction. It is only natural to wonder if our path is moving the right way, or if we should be choosing some other route. 

       There is a lot to absorb along the way, there always was. Do we pay enough attention now, or did we ever? What have we ignored or looked over? 

       What didn’t we see?

       What needs to be revisited?

       We can’t always take it in stride.


    10/28/2024                                                                                                                              j.g.l.

  • rumination

    It is thought that counts;

    endless reflection of past wrongs,

    mistakes mistakenly remembered

    and deep devious disappointments

    always contained within.

    We must ever be mindful of

    changes that can be made after

    all is said and done.

    We can do more.


    10/27/2024                                                                                              j.g.l.

  • consequences

    You catch yourself wanting to say,
    to ask, to cry out for help, for attention
    or for effect. Even if only to see
    if anybody is listening. Yet you don’t.
    Anger ignites, anxiety rages, and the
    consequences of a handful of
    wholly conscious decisions scorch
    the fragility of the present. It matters
    not what tinder was sacrificed
    to the flame, for now it is ash. Now
    useless. Consumed. There is nothing
    else left. You know, deep down,
    what matters is what you ask, or say,
    to the one person who has always
    been there. See yourself. Be yourself.
    © 2016 j.g. lewis