I’m like a pencil;
sometimes sharp,
most days
other times
dull or
Still I write.
For almost ten years I’ve been hosting Mythos & Marginalia and, for the most part, I’ve been writing every damn day.
Over the past month, I’ve been working on a redesign of this site, adapting the style for easier access and a more complete viewing experience. There are still tweaks required (I discover more each day) and slight alterations to text and format but, for the most part, the back-end work is nearly complete.
In the process, I’ve had the opportunity to review a decade’s worth of my poetry, photography, essays, and fortune cookie philosophies that have appeared on this page over the months and years gone by. It has inspired me to alter my plans for 2025 and present a new “project” beginning January 1st. More details soon.
In the meantime, please have a look around. Click on the reformatted archives section near the bottom of the screen or try the ‘search’ selection right below that. The “About” section explains a little more about me and where or what I am (or have been). Feel free to comment as you go, I enjoy keeping in touch.
There is a ‘subscribe’ button down there as well. Many of you have subscribed in the past, but the feature has had issues over the years and the notices simply stopped. Even if your name and email is still on some long-lost mailing list, I’d encourage you to, again, sign up. There will be a newsletter soon; all part of my 2025 project.
Thank you for reading. I hope you find the new format easier to navigate and understand.
11/23/2024. j.g. lewis
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