Mythos & Marginalia

2015 – 2025: a decade of days

definite steps

Freshly fallen snow accepts my footprints.
                         I continue.

                                          How long have I travelled 
                                          and where will I end up?

           The path is not solitary.

                       In my absence the footprints will be joined 
                       by the definite steps of others, strangers I will never meet, 
                       but each of them will leave a mark.

                      As I have done.

          Footprints will continue after the snow has 
          melted or washed away with the next rain.

   Every step impermanent, but not without purpose.

   We are each on a path, at times without direction.

                    All of us have somewhere to go 
                    even if it is not witnessed by others.

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