Mythos & Marginalia

2015 – 2025: a decade of days

  • Another Wednesday

    Wednesday sits naked
             and ordinary

    between the bookends of restive Sunday
    and social Saturday. The day is
           little more

    than a cluster of hours or a stop on the
     treadmill. Indecisive and

    nobody chooses a Wednesday. Nothing
               on a Wednesday

    and it’s the same each week.

    © j.g. lewis


    Sept 11/01, a Tuesday. London Subway bombings: July 7/05, a Tuesday, also July 21/05,
and also a Tuesday. Assassinations: John Lennon on a Monday, Martin Luther King Jr. a 
Thursday, and John F. Kennedy a Friday. Kurt Cobain’s body was discovered on a
Wednesday, but he chose his way out three days earlier. Nothing happens on a 

    There are fewer concerts mid-week, and opening night is never a Wednesday. They 
never open the Olympics on a Wednesday. Nobody gets married on a Wednesday.

    Yet, each week, I choose Wednesday.

    When I launched Mythos & more than seven years ago, Wednesdays were all I planned.I had other thoughts, daily, but Wednesday was the day. I made that commitment.

    I wrote every damn day, so I began filling up more than Wednesdays. Mondays became young Fridays, and there was a lot more going on than I originally thought, so here we are.

    This is Wednesday and there is a new design to the page; it’s another challenge I will slowly figure out, yet that’s the same for any other day. But today is Wednesday and there is more to read and more to see.

    And I’m sure there will be something more tomorrow.




  • Certainty

       we litigate our sorrows

       mediate happiness

       negotiate contentment

    barter wisdom for unsuspecting logic


    did we stop


    for the trust

    for the certainty

    in what we know

       what we carry


       veiled imperfections

       spiteful recollection

       accepted resentment

    the perseverance of inadequacies


    as we keep


    to the truth

    to the familiar

    to what we know

       what we carry


       compromised ethics

       unwritten guarantees

       pathetic promises

    admit what you have lived through


    © 2019 j.g. lewis

  • Fact

    Guns keep killing people.
    I’m just putting that out there.
    I am just stating the obvious.
    It is simply a fact.
    It’s a fact that will continue
    to prove itself correct
    each time
    there is a shooting.
    Guns kill people,
    and they keep killing people.
    It is a fact.
    It is.
    It is common knowledge.
    A common occurrence;
    too common an occurrence
    if you ask me, but
    you needn’t ask
    because the facts
    speak for themselves.
    They did yesterday, and
    the day before, and
    last weekend multiple times
    in my city (more than most
    weekends, more than many
    cities, and a lot more times
    this year). My city is really
    not that different
    from any other place where
    there are guns and people.
    Guns are everywhere.
    People are everywhere.
    Guns kill people.
    They did yesterday in
    a very noticeable way.
    We will grieve the event
    and question why. We will
    ask questions of ourselves
    and questions of our
    politicians and each other.
    And we will hope, and
    we will pray, but
    killing people
    It is a fact.
    It is far too obvious.
    How can we change
    the fact without
    allowing emotions
    to become involved.
    Just the facts.
    How do we deal with
    a fact, and how can we
    alter the fact that guns
    kill people?
    I’m just putting that out there.
    Just the fact.

    © 2018 j.g. lewis

    I am numb. Like everyone else I was shock by the news of another school shooting. Again. It was 10 children, then 14, yesterday. This morning the headline I first read was “19 students and 1 teacher killed in Texas elementary school shooting.” I can’t write; what more can I say that hasn’t been said. It has been said again and again. I wrote this four years ago. It reads the same today as it did then. Nothing has changed. Guns kill people. It is a fact.




  • As What Will

    Frequently designated a dreamer, in perpetuum,
    among many other things, he does, he admits,
    allow little space to plan.
                                              Rightly or wrongly,
            this is the path
                he has ended up on. Difficult, perhaps,
                  at times when cracks in the concrete led him astray.
    Only recently discovered, by accident more than fault, is balance
    maintained in a world cluttered with discrepancies and dogma
    forced upon him by conspiracy theorists, self-serving henchmen,
       Jesus freaks and hangers on, black hole believers
          and Masters of the Universe
            who continue, ad nauseam, to propagate fear.

    Erstwhile encounters not forgotten, not
    soon enough, minutes bypass memory, he has clung to details
          accounted for nostalgically and passionately,
           each plank of a moral platform galvanized and scandalized.
       He continues, white-knuckled grip, adhering
    to a belief system founded over time; tested, altered,
    as deemed fit or favorable.
    Fully aware and seemingly appreciative, he has crossed the line
    from seeing himself merely as a character in this long drown-out drama
         to bearing witness
                       to what happens, as it happens.
    He, alone, will not wait to understand, but
       carpe diem, record the state of a disingenuous planet.

    Each event, as it unfolds, to be accepted as what will.
    No longer a second-hand story in third person narrative,
                      this first-person view could offer confusion at worst,
    discomfort at least, through instant, authentic, and liberating in ways
    only he will determine.   Tenet nosce.                                                               Each element of freedom comes at a cost.
           He will taste the summer ahead, open mouthed, open-minded,
                 without concern of those in the past, but
                    with a belief not to get too far ahead of himself
    in the dreams he conjures.
    Self and the spirit pacified today with the joy offered,
          instead of looking for what
                   is no longer there. It is easier that way.

    © 2018 j,g, lewis

  • direction

         we can only wonder

    how big is this planet
    and how many


                  we must take

    this is a journey
    as much as
    an adventure

        each of us gets lost

    all of us lose our way

         at times

    if she didn’t know her direction
    you could always leave a few


    should she follow the path
    perhaps then you
              would share

    your sandwich

              we could all use
                   more picnics

    ©2022 j.g. lewis