Midnight is both redemption and a promise. The end and a beginning, all at once. A day or a night, you divide your time between what you know, and what could happen, choosing darkness over light, for a time. Rest up. Another midnight comes before you know it.
We don’t all move in the same direction, but each of us wants to get ahead. Our pace differs, as does our attitude, as we all try to step forward. Do you know where you are going? How will you know when you get there?
I need to remind myself, more often, who I am and what I have become. More so, I need to remind myself of what I am becoming. If I am truly a work in progress, how much progress have I made? How can I tell if I don’t remind myself or question myself? Only I can really know.
Some words arrive too quickly, and you struggle to keep up, to write them down. Or remember; thoughts you can’t hold back, these thoughts you cannot take away. Not all pencils need erasers. Not all mistakes can be erased. Still we write, and still we try to express, to love, to believe and communicate.