Mythos & Marginalia

2015 – 2025: a decade of days

a daily breath

  • analogue time

    I set the wristwatch each morning.
    I notice
    time calculates the depth of distraction.
    An adjustment,
    simply a few minutes.
    In the digital realm consistency is provided.
    Analogue time needs to be acknowledged.
    A favourite watch keeps track of the nostalgia.
    It is not always accurate,
    but true.

  • cloud songs

     Above us
    open spaces.
    Voices carry
    so far
    you wonder.
    not always truthful,
    not always clear.
    Desire for something greater.
    Unchecked expectations,
    how can you know
    you are?
    Shadows simply
    shade the past.
    What illuminates your future?
    Little by little
    infinite increments
    your self,
    your soul
    swallowed up in darkness,
    awaiting broad daylight.
  • another way

    Like everybody else, I exist 
    in the now. Where I have been 
    does not indicate where I will go, 
    and all I have known will be 
    a portion of all that I know. 
    Yet, all that is there is subject to 
    change. My terms and conditions 
    will, no doubt, be rearranged 
    to accommodate fears, and folly, 
    and facts still uncertain, as I 
    realize or discover my potential 
    inertia. Matter it is, matter 
    it does. I am not yesterday, nor 
    am I today. Tomorrow is
    simply another way. Time will 
    not determine where I will go, or 
    whether I stay. Who I am now 
    is not all you need know, anyway. 
    I am more than I thought;
    I am all I am not.

  • come inside

    All winds blow harsh, 
    January’s breath 
    seeps deep to the marrow. 
    Come inside. Leave 
    your boots by the door
    and make time 
    for stocking feet 
    and stillness. Find warmth 
    and comfort 
    beyond this weekend.