Mythos & Marginalia

2015 – 2025: a decade of days

open space

  • Think about it.

    I have been thinking too much.

    10/22/2024                                                                                                                        j.g.l.

  • participate fully

    Pay attention; daily, hourly, randomly and specifically. What goes on around you and within you will have an impact in ways you may never have considered, but you should consider it all.

    To observe, even the most mundane occurrences as they happen, is to participate fully in the life that you have been given. Think about it.

    How you feel now, or later in the week, is relevant to your entire experience. Those feelings never stop; however they may go unnoticed if you don’t take the time to observe.

    10/20/2024                                                                                                                          j.g.l.

  • cloud songs

         This shifting preoccupation

               with what is right or

    what is wrong; questions never end.

                       You can’t decide.

         There is less certainty

    in what you know. It is all untold

           and remains unknown

           which way you will go.

    A decided destination seems so far away.

         Progress is but a thought today.

    10/18/2024                                                                                                            j.g.l.

  • not now

    Do you wonder, as you wander, 

    about the dreams left along the way? 

       Scattered thoughts, they still 

    remind you of the reasons why 

    you remained sheltered from the

    delusions, paying so little attention 

    to the obvious. 

       A little while from now, less than 

    expected (more than you know), 

    what was left over from a generation 

    of pride and greed, misfortune and 

    disease will continue to haunt you. 

       It always does.

       The politics appall you. There is no 

    honour, not in shame nor the 

    cowardice within.  Not now.


    10/17/2024                                                                                                    j.g.l.

  • blessings

    Thanksgiving is a day for reflecting on life and the people who make it all that it is. It is a day for celebrating family, those who are with you around the dinner table and those you could not be with.

    I am blessed.


    10/13/2024                                                                                                                j.g.l.