Mythos & Marginalia

2015 – 2025: a decade of days

open space

  • distractions

       Potential votes 

    bought and paid for with platitudes, 

    empty promises and misguided hope. 

       Political ideology must be more than 

    cleverly-crafted slogans with hidden intent, 

    bumper sticker mentality and 

    fortune cookie philosophy. 

    Common sense distractions lead to inaction. 

       Dishonesty with no empathy overrides 

    the absurdity of it all. 

       It is not right, and we are left 

    wondering about economic uncertainty 

    and this country’s future.


    10/03/2024                                                                                                                  j.g.l.

  • capabilities

    Hidden talents? Perhaps. Maybe you simply have not taken the time to reach deep into your creative self?

       There is something there, we all have the capabilities to express ourselves beyond the day-to-day ways that are common to our being. It might not be obvious but is well worth exploring.

       We all have something we can do to brighten our outlook or create a greater expression of our self. It might be painting, or dance, or music, or prose. If you don’t try, you will never know.

       You will be surprised, if you take a chance.

       It is art, and it is available.

       Today, why not see what you can do?

    I recently watched an inspiring documentary, Not Not Jazz, surrounding the creative process of Medeski, Martin & Wood as they recorded new album material.

    The powerful three-piece American ensemble have long been favorites of mine, and the film delved into the improvisational philosophies of the three individual musicians and how the totality of their talents results in one amazing style and sound.

    Did I mention inspiring?

    09/29/2024                                                                                                            j.g.l.


  • dialogue

    When we tell ourselves what we tell ourselves, is forgiveness ever part of the conversation? This is dialogue only you can hear; shouldn’t you pay more attention? Go easy on yourself.


    09/26/2024                                                                                                           j.g.l.

  • in my experience

    The next chance depends upon your last reason, whatever that was.

       We all have a lot of reasons, claims, explanations or affirmations. Excuses are different, both with chances and the latest reasoning. No revelation there; haven’t you known for some time? You have no excuse. You’ve simply waited for something better to take place, or come along, or happen on its own.

       Look at you. Still waiting.

       What else would you do?

       Is hope that much different than chance?

       Not in my experience.

       Now, I’m not sure of my fitness to offer sound or superior advice, but others — those who seem too frightened to dream — genuinely embrace this dire expectation that we shall all be lulled into complacency.

       Sounds like absolute mediocrity to me.

       For no other reason than that, I’ll take my chances.

    09/24/2024                                                                                                               j.g.l.

  • fall into autumn

    “I notice that Autumn is more the

      season of the soul than of nature.”

                                 -Friedrich Nietzsche


       Autumn: is there more 

    to think about, or more time 

    to think about it? 

       We spend hours and days 

    considering change, 

    bewildering change, less based 

    in time than on feelings.

       Neither bleak as winter, nor

    sultry like summer, certainly 

    not as messy as the spring 

    announcing its arrival mostly 

    with daily rain washing away 

    any evidence of 

    where we have been. 

       Autumn keeps us waiting;

    it keeps us guessing. 

       It might not feel right 

    until it does. Unpredictable, 

    more a sensation than a day, 

    date, or wait, Autumn will 

    say hello only when 

    it feels like it.


    09/22/2024                                                                                                        j.g.l.