Mythos & Marginalia

2015 – 2025: a decade of days

open space

  • demands of the day

    It has been such a busy week.

       You still have so much to do. The tasks you meant to do Tuesday remain incomplete.

       It’s Friday. 

       You didn’t even get around to what you meant to accomplish yesterday, and it weighs heavily on your psyche. Today’s deadlines and expectations will surely take a toll. 

       It is more than unbearable pressure. All those appointments only led to disappointment. Your desk is a mess and the back-to-back demands of the day only complicate matters. All those unarticulated strategies and unnecessary activities result only in overwhelming anxieties.

       You feel the work week. Your resolve is even weaker in this struggle to maintain some sort of work/life imbalance.

             Stop.                          Breathe.

       Just for a moment, right now, stop everything you are doing. Put it all aside for a minute or two and think about what is important to you.

      Then, remind yourself not to let everything else get in its way.

       It is that important.

    09/20/2024                                                                                                j.g.l.

  • concepts of a plan

    My sketchbooks get messy. Even the one I began days ago is now showing the inconsistent and immeasurable thoughts of a cluttered mind. But, mainly, it’s all good (considering the many connotations of that word).

       Mostly, I am a writer and photographer (many days one more than the other). Like the tattered notebook I use to carelessly jot down random scrabble, immediate ideas and nonsensical everyday drama that may someday make it into a poem, essay, or manuscript, the sketchbook is only a stop in my creative process.

       What is contained within the book may or may not make it to another level or format, but I know it is there for me to use whenever, or however, I decide to use it. 

       Earlier this year, after all my oil paints, solvents, brushes and canvases were packed away in preparation for a relocation, I purchased a modest set of watercolour paints, oil pastels, ink, and a big sketchbook to keep content my creativity. I filled that book up over the summer; more of a means of coping than creating.

       My sketchbook, in so many ways, after what I endured or experimented with these past months, become a form of art therapy that was available to me.

       In its essence, my sketchbook is full of plans, or concepts of a plan. At times it is experimental — I’m currently concerned over underpainting, the colour wheel, and the uncalculated risks of layering watercolours — a lot of what I do in this sketchbook is conceptual practice exercises with media or texture and perspectives not quite clear to me at the moment of creation. Nonetheless they serve a purpose in this, at times, cruel and compilated world.

       Art needs a place in your life or mind and a sketchbook, if nothing else, allows you that time. Like life itself, indeed it does get messy.

    09/15/2024                                                                                                                j.g.l.

  • Friday the 13th

    It is not that you can’t, or

    even that you won’t. It is 

    what it is, whether you do 

    or you don’t.

    Today or really any day, try 

    to do what you need to do

    to become a better you.

    I know it seems hard, as

    many days seem like a test,

    yet despite unlucky numbers, 

    today you should try to do 

    your best.

    Whether you are beginning

    your day, or struggling with

    the middle, seek to soothe

    your beleaguered soul with 

    a poem, rhyme, or a riddle.


    09/13/2024                                                                                                               j.g.l.