Mythos & Marginalia

2015 – 2025: a decade of days

open space

  • ride on


    Athletic aesthetic meets trustworthy

    tradition in a truly elegant blend of

    form and function.

    Poetry in motion, even stationary,

    any bicycle is a thing of wonder.

    Historically, so little has changed.

    The power of the person, two wheels

    with a chain, time and again.

    Compelling simplicity. Ageless grace.

    More than transportation; more than

    a method of getting from there to here.

    Miles of smiles, the ride of your life

    found on a bike.

     2019 j.g. lewis

  • personal perspective

    It is not knowledge or memory, from what I remember. 


    Because I have more to learn and less to forget, I cannot consider myself wise or even clever. 


    How dare I flatter myself. 


    I simply cannot know as much as the next person, certainly when it comes to personal perspective.


    My imperfect insight wanes when it is most required. This diminished capacity of even my most brilliant thoughts cannot even serve as a reminder; how forgetful of me. 


    How can I say I own a lifetime of experience while I am still living and have so much more to endure. 


    I believe, and I say this with as much reservation as anticipation, there is so much more to my presence than even I can imagine. 


    It is as humbling as it is haunting, because who really knows what another day may bring. 


    One never learns things that were as important as yesterday.


    08/02/2024                                                                                                  j.g.l.

  • nothing more important



    You are the only one

    who hears the inner voice.


    Sometimes it is a whisper,

    occasionally a scream, at times

    you struggle with all that it means.


    What is it telling you?



    07/28/2024                                                                                              j.g.l.




    not achieved

    by trying
    too hard




    © 2020 j.g. lewis  

  • discovery

    Without thinking, worry, or

    day-by-day distractions, by

    permitting the mind to go

    wherever it wanders,

    wherever it goes,

    you end up in the present.


    You can find yourself in art

    as easily as you can lose your self.

    The dichotomy of discovery

    requires little direction; you don’t 

    even have to pay attention.

    Simply be.


    07/26/2024                                                                                            j.g.l.