Mythos & Marginalia

2015 – 2025: a decade of days

open space

  • July 21, 2024

    It is the early morning when you are permitted to glance at what has happened overnight as it offers a slight acknowledgement of what is still to come.

       6:17 a.m., just as expected, I was fortunate to see the zenith of Luna’s brightness. There, through the haze (or misplaced stardust), was the most pleasing sight.

       Will wonders never cease?

       Of course, I smiled.

       And I without my camera.

       Before, so many times, I have gazed up into the darkness, and many times I’ve been able to capture the moment. Today, with only a sketchbook, pencils and pastels, I was able to quickly etch out my impression of what this synodic month is all about.

       Every 29.53 days you are given this exact opportunity.

       It’s well worth waking up for.


    j.g. lewis

  • as you wander

    Gather your thoughts,
    be calm
    through the day.
    Find balance
    and confidence
    as you wander
    your own way.
    Be curious
    and open-minded,
    for the wonders
    will never cease.
    Let go
    of all your worries,
    pick up the peace.

    © 2017 j.g. lewis

  • awareness

    Your thoughts influence your actions.Your perspective allows you to see, or feel, and act in your own way.

    We are all unique that way; we all wonder.

    Still, you keep your thoughts to yourself.

    What were you thinking?


    07/14/2024                                                                                                    j.g.l.

  • 07/11/2024

    The mind wanders.

       It is all too easy to let your attention shift to something else. It happens naturally, without notice.

       Inspiration and ideas form unexpectedly, and your interest easily shifts away from what you are doing to what you think you can do.


       Discipline over disruption: a concept that will lead to completion.

       Save another idea for another day, perhaps even try it another way. But today, follow your original intentions.

       Wait: finish what you started. There are already too many things in life that are incomplete.


    07/11/2024                                                                                                j.g.l.