It’s not all black and white.
Which choice will you make?
We need
more love
selfless love
compassion personified
empathetic examples
of sharing
and caring
That kind of love
Do not doubt the need
Do not doubt the time
make time
for love
Begin there
then share
more for each other
Be good
to each other
Be good
to one another
More love
Begin today
Begin with your self
how you would
like to be loved
Do not doubt the love
do not doubt the need
do not doubt
each other
© 2018 j.g. lewis
Never underestimate
the power of a six-buck bouquet, a
shared newspaper or gift of a pencil.
Simplicity. Given, without expectation.
Demand comes to all-too-easy in days
that move with unintended velocity
and mixed emotions.
To put a price on kindness is
to devalue a gesture or sentiment.
Everything comes with a cost, perhaps
even at a cost. You should not ponder
it’s worth, or yours. Words, at times,
are not easy. Acceptance can be difficult.
Remember to say thank you,
as you give or are given. Gifts
do not need to be boastful. Gratitude
need not be uncomfortable,
it should, however, be memorable.
We often forget kind words, flowers
after they have wilted. Tossed away.
Small blessings are not short lived,
there to remind us more of
who we are, Not what we have.
To receive is to give.
Acceptance is realization of truth,
or trust. Or thought. Remain thankful.
© 2020 j.g. lewis
mid-winter depression a state of mind
comes with the cold
everything happens as it always has
you felt it less
when you were younger
thinking less of who you are
or what you had
and more of what comes next
it is surreal
a time of the year
when you don’t want to believe
what you were led to doubt
days-old snow and salt stains
as if nothing is happening
remains of the days
sediment of continual mistakes
the sentiment of our leftover pain
with mean-spirited weather
and the threat of more
there is no warmth
© 2021 j.g. lewis