Mythos & Marginalia

2015 – 2025: a decade of days

open space

  • persistence

    Patience takes time, practice takes effort.

       I need to remind myself.

       I tend to rush.

       Persistence takes thought.

       Perfection is quite probably unobtainable, and the search for such has consequences. Better to strive for the best you can do, at the time, and appreciate gradual progress as you further yourself with study, effort, and diligence.

       Any talent must be nurtured.

       Move slowly. 

       Be humble in your personal efforts and celebrate small achievements.

       You will surprise yourself in time.

    07/09/2024                                                                              j.g.l.

  • conflict

    Thoughts and feelings are confusing at times.

       Blissful memories or disturbing events, even trauma, reside together in our cluttered minds.

       We are what we think no matter how calm we stive to be.

       Gentle meditation may alleviate the conflict, even strike away the pain, but within our self this disturbance remains.

       How we deal with the inner dichotomy is never certain, yet our attempts to quell difficult instincts and emotions remain a curious battle.  This is how we live; thoughtfully if nothing else.

       Anxiety often contributes to a distorted perception of reality.

       Only by thinking deeper will we understand all that our memory holds.

       It is not always comfortable, but it is mindful.

       It is how we will get through this life.

    07/07/2024                                                                                                                  j.g.l.


  • night thoughts 1:19

     Beyond insomnia, no
    longer imagination, and
    still questions.
    The Moon’s mystery
    need not keep you awake,
    not when there are so
    many earthly concerns
    to occupy your mind
    at 1:18 a.m.
    Full Moon illuminates
    our world, even through
    clouds, even days later,
    a sacred glow that sheds
    no light on the difficulties
    or dilemmas we face
    time and again.
    Often there are no answers.
    The mysteries of the Moon
    need not keep you awake,
    but they will keep you alive.

    © 2019 j.g. lewis

  • repose

    Not infinite by any calculation,

    trices of evenings past should permit 

    a gentle ease into our fading light. 

    Insight allows reflection overnight of

    spiritual shortcomings experienced daily.

    This slight stretch of repose is natural.

    Darkness has many shades waiting 

    to open into a new morning.

    07/02/2024                                                                                                  j.g.l.   

  • a reason to smile

    Plans we made were disrupted 

    for the day, all in all, on account

    of the rain.

    Yesterday’s forecast left us no 

    doubt, that chances were slim

    we would even go out.

    So, mainly, we stayed inside 

    making use of the down time, 

    finding other ways to occupy 

    our mind.

    We did a few things we hadn’t

    done in a while, knowing rainy 

    days are not enough of a reason

    not to sit around and smile.


    06/30/2024                                                                                            j.g.l.