Negative notions surround us.
In our daily news and social media mayhem we are inundated with disaster and dreadful happenings, random harmful thoughts and contemptuous conspiracy theories. The rising cost of living, deceitful dialogue, extraneous evils, and excessive violence takes over our mindset.
In all that is going on in this world, we seem reluctant to speak positively about all the good things that go on in our lives.
We are, mostly, what we feel, and we need to feel better individually and collectively.
This, as summer approaches our doorstep, is an opportunity to alter your thought patterns.
Take account of all the wonderful things that happened yesterday, or last week. Look closely between all the complaints and confusion that you have encountered lately, and you are sure to find something that makes you proud, or makes you smile and feel good (we need more of that).
Break the habit; think good thoughts.
Celebrate small personal advances, speak kindly to yourself (and others). There is no need to be boastful of the certain accomplishments or slight gains you have made.
Look past the slight inconveniences and subtle heartaches that have compounded over time. Put aside your problems, mindful that ignoring issues that plague you will not make them go away.
Do this daily.
Take a moment here and now to reflect, even meditate, on all that makes you happy.
There you will find joy, even if only for those precious few moments.
I am certain we will all feel the difference.
06/02/2024 j.g.l.