Mythos & Marginalia

2015 – 2025: a decade of days

open space

  • easier than it seems

    Hypothetically, yet ironically, 
    intellectually constructing a poem or 
    patch of prose should be far easier 
    than it seems.
    Even those known to craft delicious, 
    heartwarming verse have surely faced 
    the dreaded fear of an unscathed page.
    Yet, those bards who have risen to the 
    challenge, or occasion, with steely
    mind, fortitude, and passionate
    persuasion have found the strength.
    So many any of us struggle with 
    ambient thought, perpetual notions, 
    recycled emotions barely blatantly 
    disguised by foolish promotions 
    ending up with feeble attempts at 
    stanza, scansion, muted meter 
    metronomically fashioning words 
    far from adequate. 
    Still, we try daily to find even a 
    slight modicum of a successful poem, 
    whatever that might well be. Each 
    line an effort, every day an opportunity 
    for more than we bargain for.
    04/14/2024                                                                         j.g.l.

    April is Poetry Month


  • drop in the bucket

    little things all add up

    takeaway coffee

    then another cup

    later in the day when

    you finally find time


    obligations and imperatives

    always there

    drop in the bucket

    give and take

    back and forth

    here and where

    the cost of living

    truth or dare

    04/12/2024                                                                                    j.g.l.

  • haiku 4 you

    08/09/2023                                                                                       j.g.l.

  • unrelenting rhythm

    The spectre itself invades the mind,
    an illusion of sorts, within time
    finding place on the page.
    Wonders never cease, not in
    the unrelenting rhythm or melody
    in a surge of words.
    As if there is always a place
    for dialogue or description
    which beckons a state of grace.
    Unsupported, at times, by
    ulterior motives or unfulfilled
    intentions from days or years
    gone by, the presence of a mind
    undeterred or oblivious to the
    surrounding space.
    And if allowed, a personal choice,
    you will surface, undefeated,
    above the noise.

    04/07/2021                                                                                 j.g.l.

  • greater odds

    Nothing to show, no remorse;
    a game I play, I’ll stay the course.
    Lottery ticket provides little luck,
    a pattern in which I am always stuck.
    A buck or two will fund grand dreams
    bigger than my wallet, or so it seems.
    Life-altering prize I have yet to win, 
    I feel the greed, the shame and sin.
    Incomprehensible odds even greater
    than a multi-million-dollar jackpot.
    Hope is cheap, at least today. I will
    purchase another ticket and play again.

    04/04/2024                                                                               j.g.l.