Mythos & Marginalia

2015 – 2025: a decade of days

open space

  • under consideration

    It is a thought, and it is my first today,
    of possibilities that were not probable.
    When did expressing your beliefs
    become so fraught?
    Will tensions subside considering
    random solutions to potential puzzles
    at a point where there appears to be
    little or nothing to show for a life
    overshadowed by common temptations,
    an uncommon incompetence, carefree
    curiosity, occasionally irrational impulses
    on a rational, even logical, path.
    Satisfaction: you only know it
    when it finds you. It is illusive, only
    because what you believe you want
    is not always there.

    04/02/2024                                                                                      j.g.l.


  • April is Poetry Month

    What remains to be seen, outside the letters, punctuation (or lack thereof), and emotion that spills out onto the page, is a reality to be experienced.
       The colours are there — even in a black and white medium of pencil or ink — should you choose to allow yourself to be swayed by another human’s representation of what life was like in the time it was written.
       In past or present tense, it makes up for common sense. Poetry is like life itself.
       Poetry keeps us alive and wondering, whether we know it or not.

    April is Poetry Month
    Feel it. See it. Live it.

    03/31/2024                                                                                       j.g.l.

  • 03/30/2024

    It is National Pencil Day, an annual
    event to honour one of history’s
    greatest inventions.
    Just think of all the things you can
    do with a pencil. Your first complete
    sentence was probably written with
    a pencil. Yes, you may have learned
    individual letters with a crayon,
    but it was with a pencil that we all
    practiced the art of basic written
    How amazing is that!
    A pencil is forgiving. It knows you
    will make mistakes, and easily
    accommodates. A pencil allows you
    to make a mark, and to correct it
    if you feel the need.
    Write on.


  • place

    Where is never precise 
    nor permanent, altered 
    before you know it.
    It simply takes place.
    When is as much a why, 
    and for each we should 
    be thankful.
    03/28/2024                                                                                       j.g.l.

  • open to interpretation

    We remain limited by the black and white realities of daily existence.
        Especially on the mostly grey days of late, we are challenged with thoughts greater than our mental landscape can perceive.
        We function (at times marginally), amidst rules, laws, ever-present restrictions and ideological hangups often holding back our technicolor dreams and bold creative intentions.
        We seek the colour that doesn’t seem to exist as we struggle through the remaining days of a winter-like spring.
        We can only hope, right now, for colour.
        As subjective as it is, our view should be more open to interpretation.
        Think past the black and white.
        It matters.

    03/24/2024                                                                            j.g.l.