Mythos & Marginalia

2015 – 2025: a decade of days

open space

  • World Poetry Day

    today’s emotions
    unpredictable like the weather

    snowflakes dance
    amongst a stream of headlights
    coming to rest on
    last year’s hydrangeas

    the crisp damp morning
    defies a buoyant mood
    and mocks next week’s forecast

    spring is meant to
    rid our eyes of bleak landscapes
    that have captured our imagination
    throughout a dirty winter

    emotionally fatigued
    deliriously disappointed

    03/21/2024                                                                                             j.g.l.


  • 03/19/2024

            Tomorrow is a promise,
        today had a reason, 
    while yesterday, in hindsight, 
                was merely an excuse.
       There may be dreams 
        between the then and now, 
           take the time to notice.

    03/19/2024                                                                       j.g.l.

  • expectations and experiences

    Aren’t we all vulnerable?
       Don’t we all, at times anyway, feel the inadequacies that come over the days and years of trying to measure up to expectations; parental, societal, or otherwise?
       Even the flaws and frailties, invisible to most, are deeply felt.
       Even by those who fail to see.
       You can’t but help observe the reactions, even if they are only noticeable to yourself.
       Who can you tell, because you should, but who will listen?
       Writing it out might help, if only to remind yourself of the experiences and the need to share with someone.

    03/17/2024                                                                         j.g.l.

  • only you can know

       Who are you?
       Where are you?
       What are you? 
       Only you can truly
    know your relationship
    to this earth and those
    people occupying your 
       How can you know?
       Only you can provide 
    the answers. 
       Only you can know 
    who, or what, you have 
    been or where you need 
    to go, and why.

    03/12/2024                                                                       j.g.l.