Mythos & Marginalia

2015 – 2025: a decade of days

open space

  • Solstice Blessings

    In North America, we have come out of the longest and darkness night of the year. 

    From here on in it only gets brighter.

    Deify the light; acknowledge the dim.

    Christmas is but a few days away, the high holidays close, and the spirit of the season is building. In all our cultures, there are so many good and wonderful days ahead.

    I wish you and your families and friends — those who are close and them far away — everlasting love and community in the days and years to follow.

    deep peace

    j.g. lewis


  • in my journal

    Incomplete thoughts, generally, complete me.  Always, in my time.

    Casually or constructively, I write what I think (or what I want to think) until it all falls together.

    The unfinished thoughts – those bruised, blemished declarations, replete with erroneous expectations or rough edges – often lay latent in my journal. For a time.

    Often intrusively confusing and so full of questions, the mandate of the message lacks even muffled clarity. 

    Those words will keep for another day.


    12/15/2024                                                    j.g.l.

  • 12/12/2024

    A warm coat, stocking cap, and a destination.

       The early morning walk is comfortable and convenient. I arrive to hot and delicious coffee.

       The city comes alive as I sit and write out my thoughts. I listen but pay little attention to other customers as they walk in to claim a morning cup of bravery.

       This time is mine.

       I write, generally here, first thing every morning.

       I write every damn day. Some days it is difficult, but today the words seem to flow. I’ve got things to do later but, for now, this is where I am. It is important to me.

       Intentions and expectations, at this moment, do not seem to matter.

       I only write.

       Maybe that is enough for today.

    12/12/2024                                                                                                                                j.g.l