Mythos & Marginalia

2015 – 2025: a decade of days

open space

  • deliberate actions

    not always possible, or
    so it seems.
    Too much confusion and conflict,
    too many altercations,
    such little hope.
    So many people caught up
    in cruelties
    we have little chance of erasing.
    Harsh words
    only accelerate deliberate actions.
    Can peace be unavoidable
    if our actions
    take on greater intentions?

    02/25/2024                                                                                       j.g.l.

  • headspace

    We tend to think more on what we should have done, instead of what we have accomplished.
       All those ‘shoulda’, ‘woulda’, ‘coulda’ seem to take up a lot of our headspace.
       Wouldn’t we be far better off if we changed our perspective?
       I feel it’s time to focus on what is ahead instead of lamenting on what has already taken place.
       The past has passed.

    02/18/2024                                                                                     j.g.l.

  • be thankful

    Whisper each morning,
    to yourself, words of
    gratitude for the things
    that come to mind
    at the beginning
    of the day.
    As you step forward,
    say thank you to others
    for the kindness
    they offer you,
    and to others.
    Show appreciation
    with your words, and
    through your actions.
    At the end of the day,
    reflect on all you are
    thankful for; the people,
    the places,
    and the possibilities.
    Say thanks, give thanks,
    and be thankful
    and every day.

    © 2015 j.g. lewis

  • 02/09/2024

    What did you do today?

    02/09/2024                                                                                   j.g.l.