Mythos & Marginalia

2015 – 2025: a decade of days

open space

  • focus

    The perspective is not always clear,
    your perception is not always accurate.
         You remain unsure
         about all that is ahead of you.
         A daunting task, overwhelming
         to say the least. Focus on where you
         want to be and who you really are.
    Your vision will become clear, eventually.
        Clarity is rarely what
       you think it should be; or want it to be,
                      arriving when you least expect.

    01/26/2024                                                                                           j.g.l.


  • 01/25/2024

    Patterns become pathways 
    leading you further. 
       Appearing as a map displaying 
    unfamiliar territory, the tendency
    is to follow instinct alone. 
       Can you chart your own  
    Where will this curiosity take you? 

    01/25/2024                                                                                  j.g.l. 

  • public transit

    The stop and start begins far too
    early for some. Places to go.
    How we choose to get about the
    city, or this life, varies person to
    person, day by day.
    Public transit is often the choice
    for many. Not always as reliable
    as we would like, it is there when
    we need it to be. Take a seat.
    There are few options: streetcar,
    subway, or the lowly bus.
    Pay the price and take a ride.
    Where will you go today?
    Travel safely bus rider.

    01/21/2024                                                                             j.g.l. 

  • our experience

    More of a feeling, we see ourselves from
    the inside. What does the mirror reflect?

    Do we see ourselves as we see others?

    Only will we know our experience, yet we
    all experience the same seven deadly sins.

    Some more than others.

    How do we deal with knowing as little
    as we do about how someone else feels?

    Do we truly know how we should feel?

    Of course there is pride, as sure as there
    is greed; or envy and the wrath of all that.

    There is no delicate balance in this life.

    We lust for others. We live for ourselves.
    Do you see others as you see yourself?

    What do you feel today?

    ˙© 2021 j.g. lewis

  • SAD

             Seasonal depression.  
        Absence of light,    darkness  
    takes account over too much of our 
    mind.    Albeit temporary, for a time.
       Deceptive days so short,    nights  
    become long,    we are anything  
        but strong.    SAD.     It is real. 
    Random thoughts stain our psyche 
    like salt on the sidewalk.  
       All we know is all we feel and it  
         is not good.      Even confusion  
            would seem more satisfying.  
    01/19/2024                                                                              j.g.l.