Mythos & Marginalia

2015 – 2025: a decade of days

open space

  • 11/07/2023

    passive reaction 
    delayed protraction 
    addition + 
    zero sum game

    no gain


    11/07/2023                                                                        j.g.l. 


  • look further

    I don’t think
    we can accept
    face value at
    face value

    I have
    too many questions and
    too much time
    on my hands
    to believe everything
    we are told

    There is always
    more than
    meets the eye

    Look further

    Go beyond
    What you are told

    © 2020 j.g. lewis

  • always with the questions

    It is, at times, mind-numbing. 
       We get bogged down by all that emotional traffic and mental graffiti, and all it will do is create further questions you may never find an answer for. 
       Unnecessary worries: always with the questions. 
       What the hell is going on? 
       What’s wrong with this world? 
       What can we do? 
       Whom can we ask? 
       Who will answer honestly? 
       Are there honest answers? 
       You end up questioning yourself. 
       Can you question your existence, or can you live with it? Self-interrogation takes up so much precious time. 
       Often you end up asking the wrong person the right question. 

    11/02/2013                                                                                               j.g.l. 

  • we notice

    the life cycle determines 
    all things must end 
    even the days 
    even passively  
    we notice
    if we pay attention
    to all fragments  
    of time and space 
    if only the day knew 
    the beauty and wonder  
    of the night 

    10/31/2023 j.g.l.