Mythos & Marginalia

2015 – 2025: a decade of days

open space

  • what you need to do

    Go slowly.


    Take the time to do
    what you need to do,
    to do what
    you want to do.

    Take the time.

    Go slowly.

    Breathe, then see
    what happens then.

    09/10/2023                                                                                j.g.l.

  • the difference

    Why couldn’t
    it look different?

    Why shouldn’t
    it look different?

    If I want change,
    shouldn’t it be different?

    I’ve seen it in my head,
    why not in front of me?

    Will I notice
    the difference?

    09/08/2023                                                                              j.g.l.

  • look further

    we see only
    what we expect
    when obstacles
    prohibit us
    from seeing what
    we wish to see
    our vision
    only allows us
    so much
    we want
    to look further
    conceivably for
    what we expect
    might be there

    09/05/2023                                                                                j.g.l.

  • ?

    What happens when
    your silence becomes
    your serenity?

    09/03/2023                                                                                                      j.g.l.

  • Toronto 5:47 a.m.

    I woke early this morning, earlier than usual, to photograph the Super Blue Moon. I went out late last night and took a few shots, but was not entirely satisfied with the results.
        The pull of the Moon was enough to get me out of bed early, and wandering the neighbourhood for the best vantage point.
        Some things are worth getting up for.
        Super Blue Moons are rare, occurring about once in a decade; once in a blue moon. The next time I will have the opportunity is in 2037 in both January and March. I intend to photograph each one.
        As a bonus, I also caught a glimpse of Saturn shining in the very early morning.
        All I had to do was look up.

    08/31/2023                                                                                                                j.g.l.