Mythos & Marginalia

2015 – 2025: a decade of days

open space

  • acknowledge what you can

    it must be observed
    to be felt

    uncertain arrival
    you do not notice

    until you do

    infrequently unfortunately
    tucked into the chaos

    and global squalor

    it comes to you
    from time to time

    often when
    you need it the most

    remind yourself
    peace is important

    acknowledge what you can
    when you can

    however you can

    reposition your

    08/25/2023                                                                            j.g.l.


  • patience

    Do I become dissatisfied or disappointed too easily?
       Am I disrespecting others, or my self, in doing so?
       Healing takes time and I’ve got to abide, if not provide, patience.
       I am trying to be more open to the entire concept of patience, mostly my own scattered thoughts, inconsistent will, and restlessness beyond the hours and days.
       Time is more finite than flexible.
       I am learning as I heal, but still hurting as I feel my dissatisfaction.

    08/22/2023                                                                                                     j.g.l.

  • until now

    past the façade
    there are tones and textures
    beneath the surface
    each of us
                         everything is a
    rhythm of time
    a reflection of life
    until now
    it doesn’t have to be complex
                         look deeper
    at what is there
    you might be surprised

    © 2020 j.g. lewis

  • try harder today

    We all forget, sometimes,
    to care for the one person
    who shows up day after day.
    In all the confusion we
    overlook what matters.
    All too often we get so
    caught up in the actions and
    emotions of those around us,
    that we neglect to check in
    with our self.
    Try harder today to please
    yourself. You deserve better
    than what you have been
    allowing. Be kind. You matter.

    © 2018 j.g. lewis