Mythos & Marginalia

2015 – 2025: a decade of days

open space

  • Make the most of it

    Time is as subjective
    as it is real.

    There is only so much.

    There are so few really
    good hours in the day,
    why fill them with
    shitty music?

    Make the most of it.

    07/25/2023                                                                                     j.g.l.

  • relax

    Don’t even think about it…

    step outside.

    07/23/2023                                                                                           j.g.l.

  • patience

    Patience is
    the waitress who dutifully
    serves your lunch, the mechanic
    who raises an eyebrow at your
    simple request shrouded
    in ignorance, disbelief, and fear
    of the expense,
    a child waiting for praise when
    they have done just enough; or
    all of the above.
    Patience must be lived,
    not learned.

    07/21/2023                                                                                           j.g.l.

  • evermore

    Who can you trust?
    Is there a truth?
    Can you believe all you are
    told, how you’ve been taught,
    or what you been through?

    Nursery rhymes, history
    lessons and little white lies,
    however can you know
    if you can’t trust your soul?
    Harsh truth. Evermore.

    No matter how old, you are
    still being sold. The media and
    messages taped up on the street,
    fallaciously advertise
    what you need to be free.

    At times we will struggle;
    anxiety is real. How can you tell?
    What have you felt?
    Are you brave enough to face
    your distinct mental hell.

    07/18/2023                                                                                  j.g.l.