Mythos & Marginalia

2015 – 2025: a decade of days

open space

  • deprived

    Temporary overnight comfort.
    Trauma of the day bleeds into
    an unbearably uncomfortable
    night; it’s more than insomnia.
    Oppressive humidity intensifies
    heat aggressively heightened,
    the heaviness of it all deprives
    our mood. Denying resiliency,
    awaiting relief, seeking shade
    for a soft soul. We are wilting.

    07/14/2023                                                                                              j.g.l.

  • cloud songs

               It need not be dark
                to know it is there,
    does not have to be full
           to feel the weight
                               of its stare.

       You’ll not know the direction
                   to see where
                   it has been.
         You could still be asleep;
         it could still be a dream.

       So much like a fingerprint,
       only a partial phase
       could be well enough
            for the totality of its effect
       on those who keep looking up.

    07/11/2023                                                                                    j.g.l.


  • concrete knowledge

    Test your logic.

    Expand your reality.

    The vast perception of your
    experience provides concrete
    knowledge of how and where
    you are in this unbounded
    empirical world.

    Fill up your experience.

    07/09/2023                                                                                                   j.g.l.

  • when and then

    You can’t count on disappointment
    to cloud your day. You don’t always
    know why or even when it will settle
    in, and it is not always there, but for
    whatever reason you are disappointed.
    What is it today?

    07/04/2023                                                                                                                j.g.l.

  • there is still time

    2023 has passed the halfway mark.
        What seemed so fresh and new not all that long ago now has the twists and turns, bumps and bruises, and unexpected shifts that come with daily wear and tear.
        Our 26th week arrives without the same optimism we had 25 weeks ago, and six months of those broken promises, dismal disappointments and inconsistent inactivity have filled the spaces between moments of brilliance and joy.
        Our intentions, now, may not have the shiny patina they did on those cool January mornings. Now is a good time to remind your self of all the plans you have not completed or, perhaps, even started.
        There is still time to tackle that laundry list of what ifs and must-dos. It is just July, and there is still not too much urgency. . . yet.
        We do have to remember that summer never lasts as long as we believe and soon we will wake to the crisp mornings of autumn. Before you know it, mass market retailers will be laying out the Halloween candy and cueing up Christmas music playlists.
        It happens all too quickly.
        What will you do about all that is undone?
        Remind yourself that it is not what you can get done in the time remaining, but more like: what can you do?

    07/02/2023                                                                                                            j.g.l.