Mythos & Marginalia

2015 – 2025: a decade of days

open space

  • cloud songs

             Days disappear
         like they have before,
    even those we chose to ignore.

         Hour by hour, weeks into
     months, the present passes
         quicker than our dreams
    of what we remember and
         what it means.

       Are the days ever longer
            than what they seem?


    06/30/2023                                                                   j.g.l.


  • reflection direction

    Perception, apprehension,
    internal deliberations, and
    meditations or rumination:
    the evolution of thought, a
    revolution in all directions.
    How many angles will be
    considered for one question
    or dilemma? True reflection.

    06/25/2023                                                                                         j.g. lewis

  • Friday jazz

           Where the sounds are
    as steady as it goes,
         music as it is, and
                    it is worthy.
       The players matter
       less than the playing,
       trio or quartet, known
            only to those
              who know them.
       Unfamiliar to a
    stranger’s ear, standards
    sound better than ever,
    from what you
       The environment or
       venue is important,
         especially on a Friday
       night for music
    as worthy as it is.
           Jazz matters.
       Listen. Cover charge
       and the price of beer,
             worth every note.

    © 2023 j.g. lewis

  • 06/22/2023                                                                                                       j.g.l.

  • decades of love

    I am a father. I’ve had decades of experience, and I anticipate decades more.
       Fatherhood is a role I honour and respect; a lifelong privilege I am blessed to be a part of.
       Throughout the years and decades, I have had the absolute pleasure of watching my daughter grow into the amazing woman she is. My greatest joy is noticing the changes as she evolves into the person she has become.
       Nothing is dearer.
       There comes a point where you realize she too has watched me grow.
       I am older. I am aging.
       It is only natural.
       As I age, so too does my daughter.
       I remember noticing changes in my father as he grew older, the evidence of time becoming more obvious with each visit.
       I suspect my daughter notices differences in me when we are face-to-face, but these changes are essentially superficial.
       Deep down I am still the same person.
       I am her father.
       In that, I’m sure we both realize the decades of love we share.

    06/18/2023                                                                                                j.g.l.