What has captured your attention?
Are you aware of the surroundings
and your place within them?
Look around.
Pay attention to both the delights
and the dangers.
06/16/2023 j.g.l.
It comes with the Sun or the season.
While days are growing longer, the years seem much shorter.
Time, at times, feels so compressed.
With fewer instances to address concerns or curiosities, try as we might, I occasionally worry about how much time remains. It comes and goes with the days.
Minutes and moments and calendar days are usual ways to track our advancement through this life.
Best-before dates mean less and less as we always seem to want more and more memories and minutes through the days and the years.
That is time.
It is a choice to make it meaningful.
06/12/2023 j.g.l.
street meat
and time in the park
pure simplicity
a taste of summer
simple satisfaction
for a while
my problems dissipated
I need to do that
more often
06/09/2023 j.g.l.