Mythos & Marginalia

2015 – 2025: a decade of days

open space

  • Mondays are just young Fridays

    Routinely we are focused on what is ahead.
       As we continue striving to move forward, and we do or we try, we seem to be living in the shadow of what has happened or going through the motions of making it happen.
       Somehow the process of progress is so ingrained in us that we fail, or fear, taking the time to simply be in the present. Instead of living in the moment, we are truthfully loosing the moment by not paying attention to where we are.
       I noticed Saturday.
       On the way to an appointment, and realizing I was earlier than I intended (or needed) to be, I stopped half a block away and sat for a moment to collect my thoughts.
       I looked above me to the tree I was enjoying the shade of, now fully leaved in the resplendent greens of spring. A week back, if I even noticed as I walked on, the tree at the time was, like me, simply trying to get by.
       I can’t recall.
       I hadn’t bothered looking up or looking around.
       I didn’t take the time to check in with my surroundings
       It is sad really, we all seem so pointlessly busy and caught up in the process.
       If we are all hoping for progress, we should at least take the time to notice.
       Take a little time today to simply be.

    05/15/2023                                                                                                            j.g.l.


  • what moves you

    There is always a reason,
    there always was.

    A motivation, the initial
    inspiration, an explanation,
    interest, enthusiasm or a
    passion (even obsession):
    what moves you?

    It is a drive. But why?

    More than the where or
    the when, the why began
    the all-consuming interest.

    We all have our reasons.
    We all have our wonders.
    We all have our why.

    Remember the why.
    It is still within you.

    05/12/2023                                                                                        j.g.l.

  • joy of spring

    Through the winter and all
    those weeks waiting and
    anticipating that which will
    bring the joy of spring for
    such a scant moment and we
    want to rush time as we do
    nothing but hope for it all to
    arrive with the progress so
    slow and the results so spare
    for days and days we crave
    sunlight and heat or tolerate
    April showers for the sake of
    May flowers as if the month
    will make a difference to our
    lives and then the days you
    realize indeed it does and now
    you only want to slow it all
    down for more than a little
    while and enjoy the blessings
    eager tulips bring a mad world


    05/09/2023                                                                                                          j.g.l.

  • Mondays are just young Fridays

    Forever, we need to be aware that there is always more than one source of light.
       We need to be cognizant of our environment as, it changes daily, we shift between the light and the dark.
       It is not always bright.
       Often we are fooled by its presence, or regret that light we didn’t take advantage of. All too often we become captivated by something shiny off in another direction and it takes time for us to realize it was only a distraction.
       We can be blinded by a light instead of guided by the light.
       There is more than one light; which will you choose today?

    05/08/2023                                                                                           j.g.l.

  • our direction

    We are not always aware of the motion of everyday life, possibly because we are illusively caught up in the ebb and flow, as we strive to keep moving forward.
       There are always so many forces at play — both external and internal — and it truly is a balancing act.
       We may deviate from the path but it should never alter our direction.

    05/07/2023                                                                                                           j.g.l.