Mythos & Marginalia

2015 – 2025: a decade of days

open space

  • certain days

    This fourth day of this
    fourth month, in any other week
    would seem out of place amidst
    numbers ascending. Dates and
    months flowing by, time naturally
    occurring as daybreak will shift
    to a darkened sky. Gradually.
    We keep track of certain days
    simply by living them.
    Today’s date will last only as
    long as we appreciate, instead
    of calculate, our remaining days.

    04/04/2023                                                                                 j.g. lewis

    April is Poetry Month
    each day counts

  • How Should I Know

    Should I put away my winter coat?
    The chance of snow seems so remote
    as spring weather seems quite near.
    Do I take a chance or feel the fear?
    Especially early mornings confuse,
    temperatures as low as my spirit.
    The steady, cold winds abuse.
    I lift my collar to shield my nape
    from climes I simply can’t escape.
    Damp chill cutting through the fabric
    of my soul, how should I know when
    it is safe to accept the loss of winter
    and leave my coat at home unhindered.

    03/21/2023                                                                                                          j.g.l.

    Every year on March 21st, UNESCO
    celebrates life and literacy through
    World Poetry Day.
    Poetry speaks to our common humanity
    and we share our words when we can,
    whenever we can, but especially today.

  • play on

    Live your humanity; express yourself with care and compassion for others. We are all human.
    Play on. We will all benefit from the chorus of your constant melody.

    03/05/2023                                                                                                       j.g.l.

  • you know

    on your own terms

    in your own time


    only you know

    what you need


    take the time to

    find out why



    02/28/2023                                                                                                                        j.g.l.