Mythos & Marginalia

2015 – 2025: a decade of days

open space

  • As It Will

    Winter will not wait

    for soft scarves, warm parkas,

    or Mom’s hot chocolate.

    Mindful of nothing, but itself,

    Winter comes as it goes,

    as it wants, as it will.

    Unexpected, unexcused,

    an unrepentant breath leaves

    a deep trail of icey footprints

    across our psyche. Winter waits

    for when we are most vulnerable.

    Winter cannot not wait.


    © 2019 j.g. lewis



    © 2019 j.g. lewis


  • Go lightly in your judgment
    please, you know less of my
    circumstance than I, and
    heaven knows I know so
    little about my reasons why
    and could only use a little
    empathy. Nothing is sacred
    in this tell-all society and it
    is only with reservation that
    I pay any attention to what I
    hear and believe as I must in
    a world that appears to work
    well without honesty as far
    as I can tell but don’t want
    to believe. I want to know.

    02/23/2023                                                                                     j.g.l.

  • make something of it

    Do you have plans for the day, or will you simply go about your way haphazardly, as you have done before.

    Is today one of those days, or will you make something of it?

    Do what you intend to do.

    02/21/2023                                                                                                         j.g.l.

  • understand

    I can’t explain
    what they don’t want to hear,
    and they don’t want to
    understand any more
    than they have to.

    They cannot
    see beyond the
    bounds of possibilities.

    Communication barriers
    of the mind, in time
    become more.

    02/17/2023                                                                                          j.g.l.

  • valentines or not

    it is

    what it is

    it is

    what we do





    from a distance

    and at close range


    our methods

    our madness

    from the pure

    to the strange


    we do

    what we do


    of the season


    we love


    we do


    for all kinds

    of reasons


    even today

    valentines or not


    we love

    as we do


    love is what

    we have got


    02/14/2023                                                                                                                                                         j.g.l.