Mythos & Marginalia

2015 – 2025: a decade of days

open space

  • do more

    Could we not
    do more?

    Can we not
    be more?

    We all have
    work to do.

    02/12/2023                                                             j.g.l.

  • unsettled

       Full Moon or not,
         behind the clouds or
       Even if you miss
        the Moon, in any phase,
    you cannot deny its power.
    Take time to acknowledge
         what you didn’t see
       or wish you did.
         The Moon keeps us
    confident in our direction,
       as unsettled as
       it may be.

    02/07/2023                                                                                   j.g.l.

  • get there

    How will you get there
    when the going’s not good,
    when you can’t get around
    as you normally would?

    Be it weather or traffic
    or a delay on Line One,
    how will you do it
    if you can’t get it done?

    Where are you going, or
    are you along for the ride?
    How will you get there,
    or know you’ve arrived.

    © 2020 j.g.l.

  • always hoping

    Your behaviours
    guide you. Eventually.
    Patience will take
    commitment, time
    without knowing but
    always hoping for
    better results.
    Your anger will only
    take you so far… your
    commitment will
    see you through.

    01/31/2023                                                                         j.g.l.

  • not completed

    Close the notebook
    as you stand up
    from the desk or table
    in the coffee shop.
    The work not completed,
    not yet ready
    to be witnessed.

    01/26/2023                                                                                   j.g.l.