Mythos & Marginalia

2015 – 2025: a decade of days

open space

  • an agenda

    We document, in our journals, things we have done or make lists of what we have to do: it is a plan.
       We all have an agenda.
       A to-do list, either on a scrap of paper, an errant post-it note; a laundry list or even mental notes (often forgotten) seem to make it easier.
       It makes us feel we have a purpose.
       What’s on your list?

    01/24/2023                                                                                             j.g.l.

  • come daylight

    you must first
    come daylight
    wipe fingerprints
    from your lens
    leftover pain
    from yesterday
    or darker nights
    when you
    had to know
    what time it was
    your vision
    will be clearer

    © 2021 j.g. lewis

  • today?

    Each day is
    different, yet
    seem similar to
    yesterday or
    another day.

    01/20/2023                                                                          j.g.l.

  • there

    When the fog lifts
    will it show what it hides
    our comfortable homes
    and uncomfortable lives

    When the morning lights
    will we see what is
    our tangible disappointments
    and inequitable sins

    When the night moves
    will you still find me there
    will you
    offer your wisdom
    or a cold vacant stare

    © 2018 j.g. lewis