Mythos & Marginalia

2015 – 2025: a decade of days

open space

  • charity begins with empathy

    There is a crisis in this city, and in most.
       Daily, weekly, monthly the stories and statistics are there.
       Reality: if it changes, it is not for the better.
       How have we become conditioned to the human condition? How can we make our lives (plural) better?
       We all need to do something.
       Charity begins with empathy.
       Open your mind, your hearts, and open your wallets (if you are able).
       Do what you can do.
       This story appeared in a community newspaper that was sitting in the coffee shop this morning. The pages were almost a month old, but the conditions described in the article haven’t changed positively over the past 29 days.
       Is there anything you can do in your community to better the lives (plural) of us all?
       Is there a cause or charity you can support? Today would be a good day to contribute time or money (if you can).
       We are reaching the end of a bleak year – and things are forecast to get even worse in the next – and the deadline for any tax deductible receipts for 2022 is looming. Is there something you can do?

    12/29/2022                                                                                                   j.g.l.


  • the time that remains

    What will you do with these final days, of this final month, ahead of a fresh set of days, weeks and months of a new year?

    Minute by minute the hours tick away; the nature of time becoming more obvious daily as we watch 2022 drift into the annals of our many yesterdays.

    There is today.

    What have you not done, or said, in the past that needs to be completed, or acknowledged, or started, or taken care of?

    Can you live another day knowing what you have not done?

    Can it be done in the time that remains, or will it have to wait until next year?

    We seem to run out of time before we run out of excuses.

    12/20/2022                                                                                           j.g.l.

  • be selfless

    We see, and feel, the dangers
    in the absence of light. Untold and
    unaccounted for, they do lay in wait.

    Don’t let your light
    become trapped by all this darkness.

    Do not permit the winds of
    negativity permeate your soft, shaken
    self. Be selfless.

    Throw open the cage
    prohibiting you from free and easy
    movement through the wonders of
    this world, or that which keeps others
    from sharing the bounty.

    Yes, it can be difficult, but
    are we not made for difficult things?

    12/15/2022                                                                                 j.g.l.

  • to be still

    12/13/2022                                                                                                              j.g.l.

  • all that we see

    we try to find rhythm
    sort out our words

    the same attempt
    the same cadence

    again and again

    again we scratch on
    the empty page

    filling time with
    disjointed memories

    all that we own
    all that we know

    all that we see

    if only our breath
    on a chilly morning

    what will become of our day?

    12/08/2022                                                                                   j.g.l.