Mythos & Marginalia

2015 – 2025: a decade of days

open space

  • into our hearts

    Be the brightness

    you need to feel.

    Be the light

    you need to see.


    Shine on.


    12/08/2024                                                                                                                              j.g.l.

  • the path you have chosen

    Time has a trajectory; 

    I don’t believe it ever forgets, 

    only that you get lost in the 

    dubious twists and turns that 

    have been navigated.

    Silence often means that there

    are too many words, and one 

    cannot figure out exactly what 

    to say to a person who once 

    meant everything.

    The soul still believes and often 

    wishes things could be different.

    Yet, you are more confident in

    the path you have chosen and

    where you are now.


    12/05/2024                                                                                                              j.g.l.

  • last night

    I have heard it before;

    shouting on the street.


    Total darkness. 


               It could be

               3:46 a.m.


         in any other city.


    The violence of silence

                     is not unique


       to downtown Toronto.


    When I hear bottles smash

               in the night


       I try not to think of

                 human bones. 


       Fragility, and


         all of the pressure 

         we are under.


         For what?

    To live?    I don’t know.


         To try?


    We are all trying

                     to live.


       To breathe.    To sleep


    3:54 a.m.



    12/03/2024                                                                                                                         j.g.l.

  • preparing for change

    I felt the chill this morning. I’d forgotten the gloves I meant to find last night after those first snowflakes starkly reminded me of a change in the weather.

       Realistically, almost chronologically, we are on the cusp of winter here in Toronto; I’ve been progressively reminded over these past few days as the pleasurable autumn temperatures have waned. The festive music in the shopping malls kept singing of the winter wonderland that has not yet arrived, so I haven’t really been feeling it.

       Until this morning.

       I like mornings, even cold ones.

       Mornings, daily, give me the opportunity to start afresh. Each day I am allowed to leave yesterday behind and get on with life. It’s like a new beginning, every damn day.

       It is a change. Change is good.

       Much like the weather, I am undergoing (or in) a period of change. At least, right now, I am preparing for change.

       Next month, just after the calendar shifts to a new year, I will be moving back to a more familiar city; one I have lived in for a good chunk of my life. It will be a good move, I know it. I feel it.

       It will be a welcome change and, in many ways, a new beginning. A new home, and a new attitude.

       It will be, in so many ways, a new beginning. 

       New beginnings are all about change.

       Change is good, even in the weather.

    12/01/2024                                                                                                                          j.g.l. 

  • we do not know

    Continually we check the skies.


    It is the waiting for the waiting.


    Plans we make become plans we made.


    Opportunities forsaken or forgotten.


    Unfortunately, it is always the way.


    Anxiety distracts us from the days.


    The uncertainty goes on, unnoticed.


    We cannot avoid what we do not know.



    11/26/2024                                                                                                                                                    j.g.l.