Mythos & Marginalia

2015 – 2025: a decade of days

open space

  • nevertheless

    What brings you here, anywhere

    really? Out of habit, curiosity, or

    happenstance? Each one of us 

    has patterns; a nature of being. 

    It is how we experience our time

    in this place, on this planet, in

    this city or another. Confusion.

    A delusion? We are grounded by 

    behaviours, many of which we 

    will not realize or acknowledge. 

    Primarily, it is how we function. 

    Action or response to any given 

    situation. Stimulation, capitulation, 

    barely interpretation of that which

    surrounds us. Still, here we are. 

    Nevertheless. In the midst of it all.


    11/15/2024                                                                                                                  j.g.l.

  • what happened

    Where are you now?

    I ask only because

    I do not understand what happened.

    I never have.


    Was it I that could not 

    see the possibilities, or

    the realities we were facing? Were they

    ever there?


    What I knew then is

    now what it was.

    Perhaps I am better off not knowing

    where you are. Now.


    11/12/2024                                                                                                        j.g.l.


  • acceptance

    What do you see? Honestly?

       Do you believe what has

    been experienced? Really?

       Can you accept the reality?


    11/10/2024                                                                                                                      j.g.l.

  • how you feel

    It’s the darkness.
    Some days it is the lessened daylight, other times it is the deeper thoughts. We all have moments where life seems more difficult and it feels like we have fewer methods of coping.
    The darkness is not only what you see, but how you feel.
    It’s important to recognize when those close to you are having problems, and even more crucial to realize this in yourself. Most times a solution is not readily available, but it never hurts to talk it through.
    Sometimes all you need to do is listen; people just need to know they are being heard.
    Have that conversation.
    The problem may still exist when you are done talking, but you will have shone some light onto the issue. That alone can help break through the darkness and allow a crack for the light to slip on through.
    Are you talking, or listening?

    © 2018 j.g. lewis

  • 11/07/2024

    When that which festers beneath the surface escapes, then permeates what we have known, we are ever reminded of how it felt before.

    Anger and animosity will only extend our discomfort.

    11/07/2024                                                                                                            j.g.l.