Mythos & Marginalia

2015 – 2025: a decade of days

  • So Little To Show

    Dense fog obliterates the beginning of our day,
    surrounded by pavement and landscape with little snow to
    track where we have been or what we need to know. Without
    a true north to guide our direction, we are pulled further
    into this element of fear. Who do, or can, we hold dear.

    Winter now that of a librarian’s hush; a hint of caution but
    nothing to heed, not as such. Many of us decided not to listen.
    Complicit in our actions or intent, the atmosphere has
    become veiled in a chorus of disjointed voices, more
    about the chosen and less about the choices.

    Each of us comes from somewhere else. It is how we have
    grown, forever going anywhere new instead of finding
    our way home. Making friendly with strangers we never
    really got to know, nothing comes from nothing
    and we have so little to show.

    Lessons learned in how we’ve lost control of our lives, liberty
    being not about how we live but how we will die. Temporary
    lapse of judgement or time, conscience, or reason. We truly
    have no idea what to expect of the day, of ourselves,
    or the remainder of the season.

    © 2017 j.g. lewis

  • Like A Sexual Sadist

    Doug Ford is one sick man, suggesting in a media conference Tuesday that he would stalk and sexually assault the CEO of Pfizer as a means of trying to increase the amount of COVID-19 vaccine for his province.
       “I’d be up that guy’s ying-yang so far with a firecracker he wouldn’t know what hit him,” Ford said.
       In off-the-cuff comments, after reading from a prepared speech, the Ontario premier sounded like a sexual sadist. Ford frequently makes mind-numbing statements, often packed with war metaphors and boastful language, but his brutal comments Tuesday went past the usual bullying tactics and tough guy posturing.
       This sadistic comment flew off his tongue so quickly that you have to wonder about the premier’s mental condition. Ford, as if not even thinking, was talking about harming another human being.
       The violent undercurrent of Ford’s message was sexual assault with an object.
       Was he thinking as a man or a politician?
       Yesterday’s comments also exposed the hypocrisy that exists in this man’s demented world. Not long ago, he was whining about people protesting outside of his home, yet he said that it was a tactic he’d employ to try get results.
       “I’d be outside that guy’s house, every time he’d move I’d be saying ‘where’s our vaccine’.”
       Thankfully, we know this premier rarely does what he says he will do. Ford, you remember, pledged to stop the COVID-19 deaths in this province’s crowded long-term care facilities during the first wave of the virus last spring. (“Never again”, he said, over and over).
       It is still happening. People are dying at a disproportionate rate in this province’s LTC homes.
       So when Premier Ford mentions harming another person, he is not even thinking about those he has already harmed.
       Imbalanced as the man is, or has become, it is time for Ford to take medical leave and seek professional help. Or resign.

  • Faith

    We exist
    suspended between delay and
    that future we are told
    is ahead of us. Little advances humanity.
    We rush too much, as if it is demanded.
    Each of us controls our pace,
    or attempts to.

    We are here,
    bounded by missed connections
    and unfortunate
    misunderstandings. Nostalgia is not often
    favorable. Blind curiosity. We fail to recognize
    where we are.
    We seek faith.

    We do have
    the communal capacity, but resist
    assistance or the
    temptation. Recycling our sins, striving to
    keep up with the morally reprehensible,
    we try to find
    our own Jesus.


    © 2018 j.g. lewis

  • No Kindness Is Wasted

    If it be kindness you are seeking, be kind.
    If it is gratitude you appreciate; be kind.
    Should ever you desire greater happiness, be kind.
    If upset by current events, or frustrated by
    the dissuasive attitudes or alchemy pervasive
    in this world, give another thought and
    be kind.
    Time allows a gentle word.
    Your actions or answers will be appreciated
    by beneficiaries of kindness, whether strangers
    or those closest to your heart. A worthy reason
    to be kind.
    You too will benefit
    if you want more kindness. Be kind.
    If attempts to soothe your soul are not working;
    be kind. If you feel this requires more patience,
    be kind to yourself.
    If having difficulty dealing with the cruelties,
    inequities, or ignorance found in everyday life,
    kindness will provide a salve.
    Benevolence absorbs discomfort.
    You kindness may not immediately settle issues
    at hand or even calm evil disputes which continue
    to wreak havoc on our collective psyche.
    Your attempts may never accomplish
    the sense of well-being you seek. However,
    no kindness is wasted.
    No smile goes unnoticed.
    Be kind
    Much like a crescent wrench, poetry or
    psychotropic medications, kindness has purpose.
    Solutions are realized, minds comforted and
    life’s balance is repaired.
    Do we need further reasons?
    We encounter many an ignorant being, a wise man
    even less, yet we often recall a moment of kindness
    by either word or by duty. Remember.
    Be kind.

    © 2021 j.g. lewis

  • It Won’t Relent

    There is always something else. Another page you are
    required to read, more instructions to supersede
    the way that it has always been done, the obvious choice
    for anyone. Signature required, but who decides when
    there is enough? Another paper adds to the file, then
    another insert in a little while. Sign here, and here.

    Duplicate, triplicate, it matters not. The time it wastes is
    all you’ve got. A further procedure needs more consent,
    you question, now, the true intent. Sign this, then that, it
    won’t relent, but you wonder where your permission went.
    Fill out the paper, what a chore, your name remains just
    like before, but still they want a little more. Sign right there.

    Yet another _____________ in which to fill, details
    have not changed; but still, a NAME is required on every form,
    and the DATE upon which you were born, with the ADDRESS
    of where you woke up this morn. And yet another
    SIGNATURE on the dotted line, the acknowledgement
    you have completed all the paperwork on time.

    © 2017 j.g. lewis